Interlegal's General Assembly Meeting will be held in Cyprus from May 28 to June 1, 2025 hosted by A.I. Kitsios LLC.

Interlegal's General Assembly Meeting will be held in Cyprus from May 28 to June 1, 2025 hosted by A.I. Kitsios LLC.


Interlegal  is run by its members for its members. Whether they partake in our semi-annual General Assembly or join our Executive or Marketing Committees- or participate in our Specialist Groups, our members have the chance to get involved and actively participate in Interlegal’s success. Interlegal also has the support of the Interlegal Officer to assist the Executive and Marketing Committees as well as to respond to membership and other enquiries.

Executive Committee  

Interlegal’sday-to-day business is carried out by the Executive Committee.  

The President convenes and chairs the General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings. Acting together with at least one other member of the Executive Committee, he is the authorized representative ofInterlegal. 

The Vice Presidentacts in place of the President when he is unavailable to perform his dutiesHe is also in charge of coordinating Specialist Group meetings. 

The Treasurer keeps accurate accounts and records ofInterlegal’sfinancial affairs on an ongoing basis and he operates the network’s bank account. 

The Secretary keeps the minutes of the General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings and advises on matters of practice and internal governance 

The Past President provides support to the President and makes his experience as former President available to the Network and the  Executive Committee. 


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