Interlegal's General Assembly Meeting will be held in Cyprus from May 28 to June 1, 2025 hosted by A.I. Kitsios LLC.

Interlegal's General Assembly Meeting will be held in Cyprus from May 28 to June 1, 2025 hosted by A.I. Kitsios LLC.

Helping clients worlwide

Interlegal  member firms are proud of the work they have accomplished on a national and global level. Here are a few examples of how we have worked together to meet clients’ needs.

Cross border insurance claim

Interlegal’s US east coast member assisted a US-based client with a potential claim, as a beneficiary, against an insurance company headquartered in Luxembourg. The US firm consulted with Interlegal’s Luxembourg member for advice.

While making a formal demand from the US might have been successful, the firms together decided that such a demand coming from a Luxembourg firm could be more effective. The firms worked together on the demand letter and threatened litigation against the insurance company. After sending the demand and conducting several months of negotiation the firms were able to obtain a settlement of a substantial proportion of the claim from the insurance company for the client.

Cross-Border Insolvencies 

An insolvent Norwegian oil company had a subsidiary company in Angola. The insolvency administrator needed advice on matters concerning the Angolan subsidiary’s liquidation. Interlegal member firms in Norway and Portugal collaborated to establish the framework arrangements and provided the client, in a fast and thorough way, with the procedures and data needed to make an informed and diligent decision.

Developing a Production Site in Germany for an International Automotive Group

An international group of companies in the automotive sector based in the United States planned the development and construction of its first production site in Germany. German and British Interlegal member firms’ specialists advised the client regarding the land purchase and necessary development agreements. During the construction phase, our member firms assisted the client with construction agreements, including negotiations with the executing contractor, as well as with emerging issues during the construction phase. The result: a quickly and efficiently built production-capable site and high client satisfaction.

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